Jean’s blog

Learning How to Love During Disagreements

Learning How to Love During Disagreements

When a family has spent the entire evening in a heated argument, every little grievance, long buried under the surface, was dredged up. Accusations flew across the room, each one cutting deeper than the last. The air was thick with tension as they all fell asleep from...

Leave Me Alone!

Leave Me Alone!

The oldest sibling is being criticized for her decisions, her lifestyle, and even the way she expresses herself. It felt like an ambush, as if they couldn’t accept her for who she is. All she felt was a burning anger, how could they, her own siblings, demand that she...

Searching for Meaning Around Loss

Searching for Meaning Around Loss

The faces in this family once brightened with hope and dreams, now shared a new quiet desperation. Their days were filled with a sense of detachment, their eyes reflecting an emptiness they couldn’t quite name. Each member lost in their own thoughts, searching for...

Recovery Must Begin Internally

Recovery Must Begin Internally

As one begins the walk on a free-floating suspension bridge, it can mirror the journey from illness to health. Stepping onto the bridge is akin to taking those first tentative steps toward recovery. The initial part of the bridge may be steep and daunting,...

Healing is an Internal Event

Healing is an Internal Event

As a young girl meditates, she envisions her body healing from within, each breath she takes filling her with a sense of vitality and strength. She imagines a warm, golden light enveloping her, starting from the top of her head and slowly spreading down to her toes....

Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life

Butterflies have long been seen as powerful symbols of transformation and the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Their metamorphosis from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly is often viewed as a metaphor for the soul's journey. In many spiritual traditions,...

Unwavering Belief

Unwavering Belief

A young boy, clutching his rosary tightly, heart heavy with grief for his mother who has just passed, lost in his depth of prayer. In the stillness of his surroundings, the rosary becomes his anchor, a symbol of hope and faith amid the uncertainty and pain. His young...

A Portrait of Grief

A Portrait of Grief

The family stood together, a portrait of grief, their hearts heavy with the loss of their beloved father. In the center, the mother, a pillar of strength despite her own sorrow, her two adult children leaning into her, seeking solace. The son, unable to contain his...

A Moment of Peace

A Moment of Peace

In the midst of a vibrant field of colorful flowers, a grandmother sits serenely, holding her grandchild close. The beauty of the surroundings contrasted sharply with the shared sorrow that bound them. As their faces gently touch, they breath in each other's pain,...

The Story of a Life Well Lived

The Story of a Life Well Lived

A blank tombstone stands in the ground, silently waiting for the right words to be etched into its surface. It will soon bear the weight of a life once lived, a story that deserves to be told about love, loss, and memories.

Waiting for a Miracle

Waiting for a Miracle

In the quiet of a dimly lit room, sits a sad dog resting its paw on the window, eyes filled with longing. A young girl is holding her dog tightly, as they both appear distant and lost. They look out the window, as if waiting for a miracle, hoping against hope that her...

Trail of Decision

Trail of Decision

As the boy takes a deep breath, he finds a spark of courage inside him, choosing to take that first step towards the unknown challenges ahead.

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